In this context, an ‘artist’s proof’ is the last remaining casting in an edition. The idea originated in the printmaking world, when an artist would run off a few prints to make sure they were happy with the results, and then number the limited edition when things were going just right. This is a way of eliminating the old ‘first pancake’ problem. This tradition has extended into the sculpture context, with some sculptors opting to make one or several extra castings additional to the initial run of the limited edition, somewhat reversing the printmakers tradition. They are a little bit like a ‘baker’s dozen’, an extra which doubles down on the food metaphor for extra tastiness. My limited editions typically run between 3 and 15, with smaller editions for things like the Bell Bowls and bigger ones for the Moving Mountains. When a limited edition has sold out, I only ever make one last artist’s proof. These are only available directly from me here at, and will increase in price at the start of each financial year.
Please click on the images below to view these works.